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Better Living through Plants:

Replacements for Fossil Fuel based Chemicals


Approximately 96% of the organic chemicals used today are derived from fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels are a nonrenewable resource with a finite quantity available. Unlike oil, biomass is a renewable resource that does not require mining.  Our group’s research is focused on the development of novel methods for the conversion of renewable resources to feedstock chemicals for use in polymer synthesis. In our work we have used three important renewable materials (1) oil seeds, (2) cellulose, and (3) lignin.

Cooperative Catalysis: A Novel Method for Enantioselective Transformations

Substrate activation is an important event in carrying out asymmetric transformations effectively.  There are a large number of ways to achieve asymmetric induction with simple substrates. However, activation and highly effective asymmetric transformations of more complex substrates are challenging.  In search of a general solution to this important problem, we have initiated a program where two different activators interacting with the substrate cooperatively provide the necessary activation for a variety of transformations


In the past several years, our group has initiated and examined a novel concept called “Chiral Relay” which utilizes fluxional chirality in achiral templates, ligands, and additives to provide a general method for the enhancement of enantioselectivity in a variety of transformations. Work from the group has evaluated parameters that control stereoselectivity of chemical reactions by both steric and electronic interactions. As an extension of this work, our group has developed novel chiral thiourea and chiral DMAP catalysts which are effective in a variety of enantioselective reactions.

Fluxional Chirality: A Great Tool for Enantioselective Transformations

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Synthetic Methodology

Enantioselective Radical Reactions

In the past two decades, controlling absolute stereochemistry in radical reactions has been investigated extensively. A variety of catalysts have been used to control stereochemistry in enantioselective radical reactions. The formation of C-C bonds using chiral Lewis acid, Brønsted acids, and organocatalysts are being investigated.  Additionally, insights into the design of achiral templates, rotamer control, and other key parameters that impact on the level of enantioselectivity are also being examined.

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